Build Bigger Ballparks

There's a meme/joke form popular on Twitter wherein someone posts an interesting and often weird and unusual item and gives it the caption "We used to be a proper country." Sure, it's a joke, but a lot of them are tinged with a hint of serious regret. There's a sense of lament for things lost, probably never to be recovered. This is how I feel about the lost art of the triple in baseball.
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3: Christmas Dreams

The further along this list we go, the more it feels like these movies hardly need me to suggest, describe, or recommend them. How can you not already be well familiar with and sold on White Christmas? Admittedly, it is a movie written to capitalize on the popularity of the tune first featured in the film Holiday Inn. (That also starred Bing Crosby, but there he was opposite the great Fred Astaire.) But Singin' in the Rain was a musical built around using old songs from the the studio's back catalog and it's the greatest musical of all time, so...
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4: Only 3 More Shopping Days

If you're a fan of Tom Hanks and/or Meg Ryan, or of rom-coms as a genre, you may well be familiar with their third collaboration: You've Got Mail. It's a smaller subset of this group of folks, I'd wager, who are familiar with the film which they were remaking. In 1940 Ernst Lubitsch made the romantic Christmas classic The Shop Around the Corner. (One of the homages to the original in the Hanks/Ryan film is the name of her bookstore, The Shop Around the Corner.)
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5: A Christmas Movie You Can’t Refuse

This movie has a high bar to clear for a lot of folks, I know. It's a foreign film, sub-titled, and anime to boot. The director is known for his esoteric and unconventional narratives and cinematography and the movie itself has unusual lead characters and, though straightforward, a convoluted narrative. But I really think it's worth your time. Ultimately, though full of dark themes and ideas, harrowing and dangerous situations, and the innocent in peril, ultimately I find it a beautiful film about redemption and hope. I hope you'll give it a chance.
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